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Knitters Matariki Paanui ❤️

Lyle Smith, our Community Relationships Coordinator, prepared this special Matariki Paanui to celebrate Matariki.

Teenaa koutou katoa!

Matariki is a very special time for our people, it is when whaanau gather to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead. For my whaanau, this Matariki will be even more special as we have been blessed by the arrival of our twin mokopuna - boys Beau and Maika, they were born very premature 6 weeks ago and are still in Nico but they are getting stronger every day and we are counting down to when they will come home.

I am grateful to share with you how I acknowledge Matariki within my wider whaanau:the Middlemore Foundation and the community it serves.

KO TE WAA HIPA: OUR PAST This Matariki I would like to acknowledge those that have passed and the love that flows from them to your hands and to the exquisite garment taonga you gift to the Middlemore peepee (babies). One story that reflects this important kaupapa of honouring our past was this post from Chris Farrell on the Middlemore Knitters Facebook page about a 50-year-old knitting pattern found again, thanks to the magic of the web!

Another was this letter we received a few months ago:

This knitting has been done by myself and my mother who unfortunately has passed away. She lived to the grand old age of 102 and has spent many enjoyable hours right up to the time she passed away kitting for the Middlemore babies. I have also enjoyed the same and will continue to do so.


From your hands, one stitch of warmth, one stitch of hope and one stitch of love.

This photo is of Briar Milligan (CMDHB) with her nan who is a master weaver. Briar has been taught by her mum and nan from the age of 7.

As you know, this is a tough winter for our community. Your knitting and sewing brings joy to the patients and staff alike. I am sharing here a couple of letters of thanks we have received. Thank you from nursing staff for cloth bags to hold their pain medication: Thank you so much for the cloth bags, they are great and our patients love them. I started a man on a syringe driver today, and he has one arm in a sling. Getting up to the bathroom will be very tricky if he had to carry his pump but now he can put it in a bag and put it over his shoulder or around his neck – very practical! Thank you to the lovely people who sew them for us. Thank you from Counties Manukau Police Muwhakataki - Maori, Pacific and Ethnic Services: I would like to pass on a huge thank you for all the donations your rōpū have provided to us. We have been marrying them up with Pēpi pods and/or Wahakura for our babies that we come across through our mahi who have no Safesleep option. These have been well received by whānau and have gone a long way to everyone doing their bit to reduce SUDI in our whānau within Counties Manukau. Without hesitation we let them know that we have received them from your rōpū under the korowai of manaaki. Mahia te mahi hei painga mō te iwi.


I think we are all working for a similar future and this is why you support us. Like me, I imagine you hope for a future where babies and children are warm, our kaumatua are given the dignity they deserve and that patients and clinical staff receive the best possible care. Thank you, by working together this future will be a reality.

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