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Handmade with Love
Join our generous community of knitters, sewers, crocheters, quilters and crafters 


The Programme

The Middlemore Foundation Wool Programme was established 1st June 2000 and currently has over 2,000 dedicated knitters nationwide donating beautifully knitted booties, hats, mittens, vests and blankets to keep our premature babies and newborns in the hospital and the community warm.


We also give larger knitted items to Kidz First Children's Hospital and to our community partners to distribute to tamariki and whaanau in our community.

In addition to knitting, we are grateful to receive sewing, quilting,  crocheting and all kinds of toys and items lovingly made by our community. 

The progamme

How you can help

The wool programme is always looking for new volunteers to provide knitting, wool or donations towards materials. 

If you would like to help, you can view our guidelines or donate below. 

If you would like to become a drop-off point, please get in touch with us to find out more.

Get involved

Courier Address:

Middlemore Foundation, Inwards Good c/o - Middlemore Hospital, 100 Hospital Road, Otahuhu, Auckland 2025

Drop-off point: 

Birkenhead Bowling Club. Ph: 480 7493
93 Mokoia Road, Birkenhead, Auckland 0746
Open from 3.30pm Monday to Friday and from 11am Saturday and Sunday

Note: Will drop-off once a month to Middlemore Foundation

Note: Please include your name, email and/or postal address when you send in your knitting so we can send you an acknowledgment letter. During peak times, such as Jammies in June, this can take up to three weeks. If you do not receive your letter in this frame time, you are welcome to contact us. 


Donate now.

We need your support.

Your donation will  support the wool programme and enable us to provide knitting for our tamariki and families.


©2022 by Middlemore Foundation. All rights reserved.

Charities Number: CC11382   |   Privacy Policy

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