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Meet Jireh and Prayer

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

Meet Jireh and Prayer, our Kidz First Christmas patient ambassadors. These two brothers, aged 4 and 8, face significant challenges in life due to skeletal dysplasia, a rare bone condition that has impacted their health in multiple ways. Jireh, the younger of the two, has scoliosis, which affects his growth, hearing, and breathing. This year, he underwent surgery to relieve pressure in his head and struggles with swallowing liquids. His older brother, Prayer, shares a similar condition, compounded by autism and an intellectual disability. Both boys experience hearing loss, and while Jireh is more mobile, they use wheelchairs to navigate the community.

Prayer & Salvation at Kidz First Christmas 2022

Jireh and Prayer are deeply bonded with their older siblings, Jayden and Salvation. Sadly, their baby sister, Shalom, passed away earlier this year from the same condition. Due to their children's significant needs, their parents are unable to work, and the family is grateful for the care and support Kidz First provides.

Jireh, in particular, has benefited from a range of essential equipment including a car seat, sleep system, buggy, and seating system, as well as a Tiny Tot walker provided by Kidz First. He is now moving toward receiving a wheelchair. He receives biweekly home or kindy visits from his Occupational Therapist and continues to work with his Physiotherapist. Jireh also regularly attends the "Rise and Shine" therapy group, which brings together Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Language Therapy. Middlemore Foundation is grateful to generous donors who fund equipment like this for children who need these items.

Prayer previously received similar therapy services. Recently, the Child Development Team helped his family with essential self-care equipment for the bathroom, seating for meals, and wheelchair assessments, and even supported the whaanau in repairing their van.

Prayer and Faasoesa at Kidz First Christmas 2023

Last year, Jireh and Prayer experienced the magic of the Kidz First Christmas party. They spent time with Santa, danced with beloved characters, and enjoyed sweet treats—moments that made them feel like any other kid. For their parents, these parties are a precious opportunity to see their children carefree and happy, surrounded by a supportive community. It’s a day where they don’t have to worry about their boys’ health challenges and can focus on creating joyful memories together.

During a recent visit from Kidz First Community Ambassador Dave Letele, Faasoesa spoke about the deep impact the annual Kidz First Christmas party has on his family. "No one looked down on my kids," he shared with a smile. "Everyone was so happy to help and spend time with them. That’s why they always look forward to the party."  He also recalled how volunteers, captivated by his children’s spirit, lovingly cared for them, giving him a rare moment to relax, enjoy a meal, and connect with other parents facing similar challenges.

Join us and let's give kids like Prayer and Jireh the best Christmas we can, and support their families year-round.

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