By hosting a fundraiser for Middlemore Foundation you are helping us change the odds for families living in South Auckland.
200,800 people are living in our most socio-economically deprived areas(1)
Children living in our most deprived areas are 3 times more likely to end up in the hospital(2)
1 in 5 children do not have access to either enough food or enough healthy food at home(3)
1 in 2 children are living in our most socio-economically deprived areas(4)
6000 children are admitted per year for housing-sensitive hospitalisations(5)
30% of our Pasifika children and 10% of Māori our children are overweight or obese(1)
Māori children living in our most deprived areas are 1.4 times more likely to have medicated asthma(6)
The life expectancy of Māori is 74.8 years, 9.2 years less than non-Māori(7)
1 in 10 adults are receiving care for one or more mental health conditions(8)
In 2017, 4,643 youth aged 10-24 years old were hospitalised in NZ for intentional self-harm(6)
In 2016, 1 in 3 Maori School leavers did not have a NCEA Level 2 qualification or equivalent(6)
In 2016, 1 in 4 Pacific school leavers did not have a NCEA Level 2 qualification or equivalent(6)
1 Data is sourced from District Health Boards. Ethnic Group Population Projections (2013-Census Base) - 2017 Update.
2 Child Poverty Monitor, 2017, based on government data in the Household Incomes of New Zealand Report.
3 Child Poverty Monitor, 2018, based on government data in the Household Incomes of New Zealand Report.
4 NZDep 2013 decile 9& 10.
5 Ministry of Health, 2019.
6 Ministry of Health, Health Dependency Report 2017.
7 Chan WC, Winnard D, Papa D (2106) Life Expectancy, Leading Causes of Death and Amenable Mortality in Counties Manukau. 2015 Update. Auckland: Counties Manukau Health.
8 Winnard D, Papa D, Lee M, Boladuadua S, Russell S, Hallwright S, Watson P, Ahern T (2013) Populations who have received care for mental health disorders. Counties Manukau Health. Auckland: Counties Manukau Health.