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By hosting a fundraiser for Middlemore Foundation you are helping us change the odds for families living in South Auckland.

  • 200,800 people are living in our most socio-economically deprived areas(1)

  • Children living in our most deprived areas are 3 times more likely to end up in the hospital(2)

  • 1 in 5 children do not have access to either enough food or enough healthy food at home(3)

  • 1 in 2 children are living in our most socio-economically deprived areas(4)

  • 6000 children are admitted per year for housing-sensitive hospitalisations(5)

  • 30% of our Pasifika children and 10% of Māori our children are overweight or obese(1)

  • Māori children living in our most deprived areas are 1.4 times more likely to have medicated asthma(6)

  • The life expectancy of Māori is 74.8 years, 9.2 years less than non-Māori(7)

  • 1 in 10 adults are receiving care for one or more mental health conditions(8)

  • In 2017, 4,643 youth aged 10-24 years old were hospitalised in NZ for intentional self-harm(6)

  • In 2016, 1 in 3 Maori School leavers did not have a NCEA Level 2 qualification or equivalent(6)

  • In 2016, 1 in 4 Pacific school leavers did not have a NCEA Level 2 qualification or equivalent(6)

1 Data is sourced from District Health Boards. Ethnic Group Population Projections (2013-Census Base) - 2017 Update.

2 Child Poverty Monitor, 2017, based on government data in the Household Incomes of New Zealand Report.

3 Child Poverty Monitor, 2018, based on government data in the Household Incomes of New Zealand Report.

4 NZDep 2013 decile 9& 10.

5 Ministry of Health, 2019.

6 Ministry of Health, Health Dependency Report 2017.

7 Chan WC, Winnard D, Papa D (2106) Life Expectancy, Leading Causes of Death and Amenable Mortality in Counties Manukau. 2015 Update. Auckland: Counties Manukau Health.

8 Winnard D, Papa D, Lee M, Boladuadua S, Russell S, Hallwright S, Watson P, Ahern T (2013) Populations who have received care for mental health disorders. Counties Manukau Health. Auckland: Counties Manukau Health.

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