We are so happy to have our own Whaanau Coordinator, Lyle Smith, join the Middlemore Foundation team this year. If you live around the South Auckland area or are one of our donation recipients, you would most likely have already met him!
Not only does Lyle’s humour and bright personality light up a room, so does his work ethic, he is always out doing great mahi in the community making sure every whaanau and child in South Auckland is kept warm and has everything they need to be as safe and as healthy as possible.
On Wednesday’s, you will find him out in Te Maara Kai O Wirihana (our Manurewa Community Garden) with students from Manurewa High School, ensuring the garden is being maintained and planted with nutritious fruit and vegetables for the community to enjoy.
We would like to thank Lyle for his work so far, he is a great asset to Middlemore Foundation team.
On behalf of the Pacific Workforce Team, I would like to thank Lyle for all the support he has shown our team! Lyle has such a positive and welcoming wairua and we are so grateful for the collaborative relationship we have developed. He has helped with donations for our events in 2021 as well as providing tautoko during our Pacific Language Weeks. We look forward to continuing this working relationship in 2022:)