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Matariki Paanui ❤️

Lyle Smith, our Community Relationships Coordinator, prepared this special Matariki Paanui to celebrate Matariki.

Teenaa koutou katoa!

Matariki is a very special time for our people, it is when whaanau gather to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead. For my whaanau, this Matariki will be even more special as we have been blessed by the arrival of our twin mokopuna - boys Beau and Maika, they were born very premature 6 weeks ago and are still in Nico but they are getting stronger every day and we are counting down to when they will come home.

I am grateful to share with you how I acknowledge Matariki within my wider whaanau: the Middlemore Foundation and the community we serve.

KO TE WAA HIPA: OUR PAST Naa too ringa ka puta te aroha. Love flows from your hands. This Matariki I acknowledge the amazing 20 year legacy of everyone who has donated to the Foundation. The aroha that flows through your donations to our Middlemore whaanau lives on in the people who have benefited in some way from your support.

I also acknowledge the legacy of every single person who has worked in this hospital over these past 75 years. Every nurse, orderly, cleaner, social worker, security officer, doctor and administrator has made a real difference to the lives of people in our community. Some staff have passed on, but their aroha lives on in the whaanau of the people they helped when they worked here.

INAAIANEI: OUR PRESENT As you know, this is a tough winter for our hospital and the community we serve, thankfully your winter warm up donations and Jammies are starting to come in and distribution is underway. Here are some images from our community!

There is still a huge need for Jammies and Winter Warm UP items, so if you wish to donate you can click here.


I think we are all working for a similar future and this is why you support us. Like me, I imagine you hope for a future where babies and children are warm, our kaumatua are given the dignity they deserve and that patients and clinical staff receive the best possible care. Thank you, by working together this future will be a reality.

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